City of Amsterdam

District Oud Zuid


Corporate Identity graphic design city of Amsterdam Carmen Nutbey
corporate design identity huisstijl grafisch ontwerper visual designer carmen nutbey nutbeydesign
Corporate DVD CD design
Huisstijl, affiche en logo design grafisch ontwerper Carmen Nutbey uit Amsterdam
Visual design report amsterdam oud-zuid

Explanation of the logo shape

ontwerp logo's stadsdelen en diensten Gemeente Amsterdam

Other City of Amsterdam departments or district logo’s

ClientCity of AmsterdamProjectCorporate IdentityRoleSr. Graphic DesignerDeliverablesSubidentity District Oud ZuidProductsDesign manual, logo, stationary, inspirational examplesCommissionerDistrict Oud ZuidSoftwareAdobe Creative Suite

City of Amsterdam

Corporate Branding & Campaigns

Identities & Projects

Corporate Branding & Campaigns